About Ronnie...

Ronnie wants to live in her bubble. She wants her bubble to be filled with love, surrounded by a peaceful world, with good vibes and sparkles. She wants a bubble where she can have lots of happy dances, eat Oysters for breakfast and earn a lot of cash while taking pictures of all of it.

As a novice blogger, she didn’t start as a receptionist at Vogue magazine, she didn’t do her fashion apprenticeship with the Evil wears Prada, she hasn’t got 20 years of experience as a journalist at The Guardian, or neither a background in TV. She is a regular contributor in the creation of fantastic pins on Pinterest and was voted cook of the year during the 2020 Lockdown by her boyfriend which helped her gain notoriety from worldwide star Michelin chefs.

When she is not trying to write amazing posts for her a very popular lifestyle blog, you can find her helping women through Life Coaching. She is really passionate about guiding beautiful souls to connect with their true self so they can build a bigger and more exciting life.  Furthermore, you can also find her creating really cool and educative content for her Instagram page. Also, she enjoys running naked all around her house (Home alone style), spreading her positivity all around her or laughing at her own jokes. She also spends a lot of time doing some inner work, meditating or simply enjoying her best life.

Her first never finished book called “The Ronnie’s Bubble, my success story as a Bogger and Life coach” would have been a best seller all over the world and translated in more than 46 languages.

Ronnie in her bubble.